Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cash for Laptop Update or Requiem for a Satellite

So the box came today. It is all beat to hell because they reuse them. I put my laptop and its cord in there and made sure everything was snug, then I taped it up. I used a little extra tape because it looks like in some places the tape is all that's holding this box together, and it was my way of giving back.

It made me feel a little nostalgic though. The first year I had this laptop the screen cracked in this horrible way and I had to send it to be repaired in a box like this one, but new. It came back with a wiped hard drive and a new motherboard.

It had a nice run. I mean, 4 years is good for a laptop. After it died I dragged its carcass around for a couple more years since I didn't really know what to do with it and didn't want to just throw it away. I'm a little sad boxing it up like this to get rid of it once and for all.

But really, it has to be done. It would be foolish to move it again. As I finished taping it up I found myself humming, "Take Good Care Of My Baby," which is maybe a little bit sad. It's a broken computer for god's sake. But it got me through college, I wrote all my papers on it, and it was the only screen I had, so I also watched all my movies on it. I took it places and it was my source for news and communication and all sorts of things. It was a great computer, but I think it's time to move on.

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